Centretruths Digital Media was founded by author John O'Loughlin in 2007 and specializes in the publication
of his eBooks. He is a self-taught philosophical-artist-turned-artist-philosopher who began writing in the early 1970s and
whose works encompass a wide spectrum of literary creativity ... from poetry and prose to autobiography and, especially, aphoristic
philosophy, the latter of which is his principal claim to fame, since his approach to Truth, or what is commonly termed 'metaphysical
knowledge', is both revolutionary and unparalleled in its comprehensive depth, breadth, and logical sophistication, eventually
arriving at positions which transcend philosophy as hitherto understood.
John O'Loughlin will use this platform as a gateway to individual titles in his literary oeuvre, which
can be previewed prior to purchase from Centretruths Digital Media, the private eBook publishing platform started by him in
2007 to publish his own works his own way, not least in relation to a centralized approach to textural structure which, contrary
to common commercial usage, permits content to trump form, the text itself being 'transvaluated' along white-on-black monochromatic
See Product Page
Here is the cover of CROSS-PURPOSES, a John O'Loughlin prose-fiction eBook originally dating from 1979
and extensively revised 2024:
A tragi-comic 'crime' novel |